Mom's For Play was started because the six of us moms saw a need for a safe and secure place for our children to play. The more we talked to the community we saw that our vision needed to be expanded and so the Vision for the St. Alban's Community Park began.
We want to create a core area for the commuinity where residents of all ages can come together on common ground for physical activity, family outings and where comunity members of all ages can socialize. The community park can help restore pride in our community and creates a desirable location to help attract new residents to St. Alban's.
Mom's For Play intends to give the residents a sense of control over the community's needs by listening to their choices, showing that every residents opinion matters.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring Fling Dance A Thon!!!!

Moms For Play in partnership with Cyn are having a dance a thon to help raise funds for Phase Two of the St. Alban's Community Park.
Date: April 5 @ St. Alban's Gym
Music by: CYN
Pledge sheets can be picked up at CYN and Germaine's Flower and Paint Shop. Prize give away for the top fundraisers.
Grades 0 to 6 : 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Grades 7 to 12 : 9:00 to 12:00pm
Canteen service available
All pledge sheets must be returned whether you participate in the fundraiser or not.
Hope to see you there!!!!